Tuesday, January 24, 2023

How to be set Free from Fear, Anxiety, Depression, and Oppression from the Enemy.

How to be set Free from Fear, Anxiety, Depression, and Oppression from the Enemy.

 Fear is the opposite of faith and is an open door to the oppression of the enemy. Faith is defined in (Heb 11:1) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. The Word of God is alive and is powerful! Faith comes by studying the scriptures and allowing the Holy Spirit to bring the understanding. (Romans 10:17) So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Many Christians empower the enemy in their lives by living in fear instead of having faith that God is bigger than their problems. Satan is mighty in the lives of many people, but God is Almighty, and has paid the price so that you may be set free! The Lord Jesus Christ received stripes upon his back that you may be healed both spiritually, as well as physically. Christ atoned for all of your sins upon the cross and made peace between the Father and mankind. The veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom when Christ died upon the cross. The veil was symbolic of the old covenant of laws and ordinances and was replaced by the new covenant of Grace. Through Christ we are no longer separated from the Father by sin but have access to the throne of Grace in heaven. Grace is defined as unmerited favor. 

Religious legalism is a stronghold of Satan that keeps many people bound. Legalism is defined as trying to earn your salvation through works or religious observations. Many do not understand or accept God's grace. We must come to an end of ourselves and realize that we cannot save ourselves, we need a Savior. To be truly saved is to rely upon God's grace alone for salvation. Salvation is a free gift that is given to those who have repented and turned from their old sinful ways and have put their faith in Christ. To be set free from sin, as well as all of the oppression of the enemy requires faith, and full acceptance of his grace.

Finally, praise and worship will bring God's presence into your home and life. God inhabits the praises of his people! If you are experiencing anxiety, depression, or feeling hopeless, praise and worship him and cast all of your cares upon him and be free! When you spend time in prayer, studying scripture, and praise and worship, you recharge your spiritual batteries. If you need a fresh refilling of God's Holy Spirit spend time with him.

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