Saturday, August 16, 2014

Noah's Flood, Fact or Fiction?

I have heard a lot of skepticism lately in regard to Noah’s flood. Is there any evidence that a worldwide flood actually occurred? The answer is yes, the evidence is everywhere. Many ancient cultures worldwide tell of a flood that once covered the earth. The aborigines of Australia, the Incas of Peru, the ancient Chinese, Tibetans, as well as the Egyptians all tell of this flood. The so called evidence of ice ages is actually the evidence of this flood.

Near the top of Mount Everest they have found sea shells. Sea shells have also been found at high elevations in mountains worldwide. Sea shells cover the desert of Iraq. The people of Iraq will tell you that these come from Noah’s flood.

The skeptics always bring up that the flood may have been a local event and not worldwide. But according to the Bible there was only one continent until the time of Peleg when God divided the land masses. This occurred after the flood. In addition to the forty days of rain, the fountains of the deep were opened to flood the earth. Science agrees that there was originally one continent, in fact they have named it Pangaea. Anyone who is familiar with a globe knows that the continents fit together like a puzzle. This explains how the flood covered all the land.

I have heard people say that they only believe in the new testament and that the old testament is fictional stories created to teach morals. One man told me that he only accepted the words of Christ and did not believe in Noah’s flood. I pointed out to him that Christ spoke of Noah’s flood as fact, as well as Jonah’s time in the belly of the fish, and Daniel in the lion’s den etc. This caused him to rethink his position. The truth of the biblical account of Noah’s flood is established by physical evidence as well as cultural accounts from antiquity.

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