Saturday, May 2, 2020

My YouTube Channel.

Here is a link to my YouTube Channel. I share teaching videos, as well as visions and dreams.

Watch Employees receive a Computer Chip Implant

Rev 13:16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Watch employees receive a computer chip implant in their hands. This is for identification, as well as for making financial purchases.

I believe that in the near future this technology may lead to the mark of the beast. However, I don't believe that the time is now. I believe this will occur during the reign of the Russian world dictator.…/watch-employees-get-microchip-impla…

The Shaking

The Begining of Sorrows

The economies of the world are on the brink of collapse and civil disobedience is everywhere. People world wide are unemployed and starving. I believe these events will eventually lead to the Great Tribulation. We are living in the twelfth hour, or sundown upon this age of mankind. This is not a time of fear, but it is a time to repent of our sins and to be truly born again. We need to be seeking God with all of our hearts and forming a true relationship with him. The religion of the lukewarm majority of churches are shutting people out of the Kingdom of God. It is time to get the culture out of the church and to return to sound doctrine.

The Lord gave me several dreams about the coming economic collapse. I saw cities that were all dried up. The streets were dry dust, and there was a large black dust storm on the horizon that was about to blow across this land. The coming economic collapse will cause a famine. I saw people coming to a church to beg for food, as well as seek shelter. The Lord provided for those who earnestly sought after Him. 

The Lord spoke the words, "Panic in the streets" to me. I saw a man running in the streets threatening to commit suicide because he lost everything in a collapse of the stock market. When the economy crashes, many people will commit suicide, and there will be panic in the streets. I don't know when this will occur, but I believe that it will be in the near future.

I also, dreamed that I was standing in line with hundreds of people to register for a new form of national census. I understood that anyone who did not register their family would be prosecuted. I waited in line for many hours before my turn came.

Next, I witnessed a congressman standing in front of a stone monument of an eagle. He was urging the government to take ownership of all businesses and lands. The American people were very upset that a communist form of government was replacing capitalism. I also understood that the American eagle had great influence worldwide. I witnessed a revolution within America. However, the revolution was put down in a short time. I believe that these events will unfold shortly and will set the stage for the Great Tribulation. I believe that our government will ultimately turn over control to the Russian world dictator who will be the anti-christ. During the last half of the tribulation there will be nuclear warfare as the empire of the beast experiences civil war. It's all in the Bible.